Jun 23, 2008

Goddammit now I'm a pedophile

- Gamestop guy!
"Rob! Jesus, man, haven't seen you around here in a while. What's up?"
- Man, I left all my games up in another state, I need something to hold me over till I get back.
"Oh God, that sounds awful... well, have you played all the Metal Gear Solids? We just got this collection of 1, 2, & 3-
- Yeah, I bought that last week. I beat 'em. I need something else.
"Wait, you played through all of them? In a week? Are you... are you gonna be okay?"
- Not if I don't find something new to play, no.
"Alright, well... we have some new games half off, here's Soul Caliber 3 for 20 bucks?"
- Nah, man, I hate 3-d fighters.
"What about 2-d fighters, you like them? Yeah? Here, this one's new, it's called 'Arcana Heart.' Try it."
- What is this anime chick on the cover? Why is she praying to a topless angel? Is this gonna be bullshit?
"No, man, no! It's gonna be like Guilty Gear, only... better."
- Better?
- How better?
"Thiiiiiis much bett-
- I mean why better you idiot god I hate you.
"Alright, look - when you're playing a fighter, what's the name of the game?"


- Uh.... Ar...cana Heart? Am I saying that right?
"No, man! That's its slave name. What's the real name of the game?"
- I, I have no idea.
- Man, I suck at those, what, you think I'm a hardcore player? Look at my thumbs. Lookatthem. They are the soft, pink thumbs of a man with a life.
"Okay, but look. See, now you can get the combos, because there's a dedicated 'fly to your enemy' button - so now you can follow attacks up really quickly even if you suck."
- Man, I dunno about thi-
- What?
- That's pretty cool, I gue-
- Yeah, I-
- Okay, it's awesome, but-
- I have.
- If only there were a button...
- Alright! Alright, I'll buy it!


- Wait this game only has fourteen year old girls in it.


Sometimes when I talk to people, halfway through the conversation they become the Devil. That is what the doctors call ADD.

May 1, 2008

They also need to release a sausage, sausage, sausage egg & cheese biscut.

I have a lot of really bad habits. Swearing at inappropriate times comes to mind, or really just offending people in general, I guess. Waking up. It always seems like such a good idea, but it never pays off. Ever. I stop breathing in the springtime, that's a pretty bad one too, I'd like to quit that.

Oh, and eating. That's a lot of bullshit, right? Could I have chosen a more expensive pastime?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I could have. And I did! And now I have this dillemma, because clearly my money can only go towards eating or hiring Russian strippers to pose as third-world leaders and drive struggling nations' economies into the ground. (okay, baby, now take that phone, the red one... now dial up the WTO, the number should be right under 'emergency contacts'... yeah, just like that, girl... now say "the glorious nation of Burma has decided to open our markets to global trade, and would like to conform our markets to international standards"... oh god yes, baby, now take off your shirt)

Which brings us to yesterday's cut in the federal funds rate and how I'm now also broke today. I know, I know, "seven times in one year?" It seems excessive, but God Natalya is just so damn sexy when she gets her Bernanke voice on.

Anyways, anyone can screw over Burma, but you might be thinking "Gee, doesn't it take a godawful lot of money to drive America's economy in the ground?" And of course you would be right. It does! And now I can't even afford groceries.

Fortunately, in the saddest commentary on American culture ever, it turns out I don't have to - grain and cheese may be expensive at the grocery store, but by scrounging for change in the couch, I've made enough to feed myself at a McDonald's for a week! So of course, after only a day I already have this issue with McDonald's. Their coffee is wonderful. Their dollar menu is great! Their happy meal is the worst joke I've ever heard.

A burger, some fries, a small drink, and a cheap toy? That isn't a Happy meal. That is a Regret meal. Five dollars worth of not enough food and sweatshop labor has never equaled happiness, ever. You want a Happy Meal, McDonald's? Try this: A small coffee, a cigarette, and a condom. Small plastic toy could be a bic lighter, or you know those cheap plastic mazes, where you have to navigate a marble into a hole? That, except you navigate a tumor into a lung.

That would be a Happy Meal. That would be a meal made of dreams.

Apr 5, 2008

This entry has Mercenaries, C'thulu, a rescue mission, and TWO requests!

Alright, so first off, I've decided I Want to write a movie. Forget my proposal for the action-packed Dragons and Trains, forget my autobiographical Not To Brag, But... (The Life and Times of The Last Romance Mercenary), and forget the romantic comedy / political commentary C'thulu at Le Chat Noir, this one's topped my priority list:

A mall, somewhere in America. Christmas time. The Toys For Tots foundation is having a celebrity fundraiser, so there's heightened security. A car pulls into the parking lot, and four humanoid figures all walk out - they're all tall, and have slightly long limbs and muscular builds, but they can pass for human because they're all wearing suits, sunglasses, and spray-on tans. They walk into the mall, and one of the security guards sees them and suspects something. He says something out of line, and the four figures get nervous - at this point, the sound fades out; only the occasional loud sound effect, such as an explosion or gunshot or scream, can be heard over what sound like news broadcasts: "Scenes of carnage today at palownia mall... allegations of terrorism...utter devestation... kidnapped a Salvation Army volunteer... and those of us left behind can only ask: Who would do something like this?" etcetera.

The figures pull out their bizzarre weaponry and start blasting away - security guards, mothers and children, celebreties, it's a well-choreographed, expensive special effected, awesome massacre - and in the middle of it, two of the figures jump, duck and army crawl up to the Salvation Army fundraiser "Santa", black-bag him, and drag him out during the retreat.

Somewhere in the North Pole:

The Fat Man and his wife - let's say Angilina Jolie; we need to sell this shit somehow - are in the kitchen; She is doing dishes while he reads over long sheets of paper. Suddenly, she goes "oh!" and becomes weak in the knees; he cries out in pain and stands up suddenly.

Ms. Claus: Nicholaus....

A pair of Gnomes burst in through the door.

Gnome 1: Sir! Are you alright?

Gnome 2: The whole camp felt it! What happened?

The fat man closes his eyes and concentrates. Slowly, he opens them again, a look of pain on his face.

Santa (Who has the voice of Optimus Prime): Micky Cohen, from the Salvation army.

A pause.

Ms. Claus: You're going, aren't you?

Santa: Micky is a good boy.

Gnome 1: But!

Santa: But nothing! (They all reel back from an anger they have never seen before.) When he donned that suit, he entered a sacred pact, a pact that would protect him while he did the work of Clause. That pact has been violated, and we have all felt the disturbance here. I cannot abandon him now.

Another pause.

Ms Claus: Whoever took him was after you. You'll be walking into a trap.

Santa: (nods) I know.

Gnomes 1&2: We'll look after him, Ms-

Santa: No. (They look up in shock.) This... disturbance makes me nervous. I have never seen anything like this before. I need you here. If anything happens... (he looks at Ms. Clause, then looks away) ...you know what to do.

The figures who took Micky drag him to an abandoned lot - abandoned, except for two children, who hide and watch what happens. It turns out, the figures are Martians - and they think they've kidnapped Santa Clause... until the real one shows up. Skullduggery happens, and the real Santa gets kidnapped along with Micky.

The children run off and try to tell the police what happened, but the cops laugh at them. The two nearby listening gnomes don't, however, and listen carefully to what the children have to say.

On the craft, it becomes clear that the martians kidnapped Santa for a reason: they're planning an invasion, and by kidnapping the beloved children's figure, they have broken Earth's morale backbone. Moreover, they plan to brainwash him so he can support the martian troops suring the upcoming war. While they're in the ship, Santa gives Mickey a "gift" - a guitar. The martians on the ship let him keep it on account of it's only an instrument.

Back on earth, things are happening. The gnomes went to the Pentagon, and an elite rescue team is being assembled. for the journey. To mars. Via reindeer-drawn sled. But one member is missing...

New York. Or Philledalphia, or Baltimore, it doesn't really matter... some large city. A man - Clive Owen... yes. He's trying to enjoy a hotdog, when he notices he's being tailed by two men in suits - he bolts, but just when he thinks he's lost him, he runs into an old acquaintance. They have a terse conversation, which makes it clear that he used to be part of an elite squad, and he used to be one of the best. He refuses to join at first, and the conversation gets awkward... until they walk past a gathering - news of Santa's gathering has broken out, and in front of some window with a television in it, broadcasting the news of Santa's capture by martians, the recovery team being assembled, and hey by the way, Martians exist! Crazy! The gathering is mostly children, and they're singing "silent night."

"You see?" Says the man trying to convince Clive Owen to join the team. "This isn't about you, or the team. This isn't about America. This isn't about one more goddamn rescue mission. It's about the children." Clive Owen silently stares at the gathering, contemplating.

Back in the pentagon, he walks in, to general clamour of "you're late." He's introduced to the rest of the team - Arnold Schwarzenagger, The Rock, and that guy who plays Leonidas. Probably some extras, too, for cannon-fodder. It's... it's a big sled. The bag ususally takes up most of the space.

Back on Mars - which apparantly has oxygen, or something, because Mickey and Santa can both breathe... I guess that's explained in this scene. Also! They take Santa away. For the brainwashing. And that sucks. And they leave Mickey in the cell, for execution later. And he's sitting there, and that's sucking, and he's playing his guitar, and he power-chords out of frustration - releasing a burst of energy from the neck of the guitar which blasts open the door to the cell.

Now we have some stealth scenes, he's running through the complex, strumming a little tune. For the most part, he's Solid Snake-ing it through, but every once in a while someone spots him and he blasts them, just to use up our budget. He wonders why he's running into so little security, until he gets outside:

The entire complex is on red alert, and anti-aircraft lazers are trying to blast a sled out of the sky - but bitches can't touch Santa's sleigh, and it lands near Mickey. The team get out, rendezvous, learn that there's enough oxygen for everyone played by a famous actor to take off their helmets, and split out to find Santa.

And they are vicious, psychotic motherfuckers to the last one of them. A few extras die, but whatevs. Clive owen strafes in, uzi in either hand, blasting away; Schwarzenagger's got, like, fucking, a cybernetic arm, or some shit, and he tears open the facility doors, while The Rock blasts away at the complex sentry guns with a shoulder-mounted RPG. Leonidas runs up and clotheslines some fools and screams at them until they die. And Mickey's right behind them, the only unsure one of the group, and the only one not laughing his ass off or grinning psychotically as he murders - murders Martians left and right by blasting him with his guitar.

And it is a slaughter, too. Martians die. We'll probably throw on some up-beat track as they just execute martians left and right. We're talking Nuremberg trials for war crimes and genocide. And then... Santa emerges. But all is not right... he looks sick, and his eyes are terrifying. And now everyone's out of ammo, and has to run in. He swats the rock aside like a bad joke, and shoulder-rushes Schwarzenagger, who then flies back and into a pillar. He grabs Leonidas with one hand, and throws him into Mickey. Then he grabs Clive Owen by the throat, and starts to strangle him.

Meanwhile, the martians have found The Sleigh. One of them runs out, and hooks up what is clearly an explosive to it. Then he runs back to cover. The ride home is lost.

In the background, tripods and giant space cruizers are drawing near to the scene.

Back to Santa strangling Clive Owen, everything's pretty fucked up. And just as Clive's starting to black out, he hears a sound - Santa, too - it's Mickey, playing the chords of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" on the guitar. He starts singing the words, tentatively at first, but picking up as he goes along. Then, the others join in. And they're terrible at it. But they're singing, and Santa lets up on Owen's throat - just a little bit. Then, something wonderful happens - we pan up, and then fade to children on Earth joining in. And we fade between countries - yes they're even singing the English version in goddamned Russia and Mexico on this one. Or okay, maybe the Mexicans can sing it in Spanish, but they're still following the tune, and you can figure out what they're saying. And we cut to the North Pole, where the gnomes and Halle Berry are also singing.

And to the tune of everyone on Earth singing the christmas carol, we come back to Santa's sleigh - which has not blown up. Timidly, the would-be saboteur comes out to check, and lo! all the wires have been cut. He walks back into the room where all his buddies were - and! They've all been horribly dismembered. Brutally. And the door slams behind the martian - he runs to it, but someone has slipped steel through the handles and twisted it shut. He tries to turn and run, but from out of the shadows, something hits him - we see for just a flash that it's one of the extras that was on the sliegh. The martian draws his laser, and something rolls across the floor - it's the helmet the extra was wearing. The martian fires wildly into the shadows from whence it came, and then takes several timid steps towards the shadows. Then a few more, a little bolder. Then, a little bolder, a few more. Then he stops, and his face twists into pure, sheer, martian terror, as Chuck Norris steps out of the shadows.

Back to Santa, (with "We Wish You" still being sung by everyone on Earth, but pulled back so we can hear the awful, awful singing of the assembled party.) Chuck Norris walks through the door, both hands dripping with green Martian blood. He joins in the carol, and that finishes it. Claus wakes up, the mind control broken. And he is pissed.

He grabs a martian flag, makes a sack out of it, then puts a few rocks into it. Then he pulls gifts out of his makeshift "bag", new guns for everyone, and some giant fucking amps for Mickey. Then the gang slaughter mars. Micky rocks the fuck out, and some metal plays throughout the scene. Owen, The Rock, and Leonidas take off on foot; Schwarzenagger, Norris, and Claus take to the skies: Santa drives, Schwartzenagger shoots, and Norris jumps onto Martian ships, breaks in, slaughers the crew, flies the ship into a tripod, and jumps out back onto the sleigh. Santa occasionally does the same, or drops supplies down to the ground team with some "HO HO HOs". Mickey jams the fuck out and occasionally vaporizes a Martian craft with the power of Rock, and finally he strikes the final chord as explosions go up all around mars from... fucking nukes that Earth launched that hit everywhere except the precise spot they're in, because they took exactly the amount of time it took for that spot to rotate itself to be opposite from Earth.

Fuck yes.

You feel that? Running through you? Reading this has just made you more of a man. Embrace it. Except the ladies, you might wanna try and sleep this one off. Or not; if that's your thing then feel free to join the men in "Name That Blockbuster!," the reader-participation game where you try to come up with a better name for this movie than the working title I've got, which I'm sure is like "blood on Mars" or something stupid like that.

And you have so many themes to work with! Kringle! Red! The red of his jacket and also of blood on the red planet! Slaughter and christmas! There are so many possiblities! Go!


I have a few documents I need to share with some buddies for a collaborative project I'm working on, which is not this with the Santa and also less important than the Santa. But still important to me. And I'm fucking tired of our outdated, bullshit, email back-and-forth system. Where can I store a small amount (Edit: <1gig! , that wasn't what I meant at all.) of files for a few people to be able to read and edit privately (without anybody not us being able to read / claim copyright because we stored it on their server) without having to buy my own server?

Feb 11, 2008


Rob Provencher

Summerfield, Fl

"If it looks like a zombie, smells like a zombie, and eats like a zombie, shoot it in the head." That's the position of Jericho Hemlock, Zombie Hunter and self proclaimed Sword of God. Mr. Hemlock was arrested this past Thursday on charges of breaking and entering, and multiple counts of first-degree murder. "When you're confronted with that situation," he explained in a closed interview, "you make a judgement call and you run with it. You don't have time to second guess."

According to the report, Mr. Hemlock broke into the Summerfield Church basement early Thursday night, barging into the mass of the Union of Satan's Fang [USF], a cult that meets in the church basement every Thursday to inject heroin and eat human flesh as part of a religious ritual. Patrolling officers who were in the area arrived at the scene moments later, responding to reports of gunshots, and found Jericho midway through "cleansing" the scene, a seemingly Obsessive-Compulsive cleaning ritual that involves a great deal of bleach and fire. The District Attorney is attempting to bring charges of arson and destruction of evidence against Hemlock, though he claims that the "cleansing" was merely a preventative measure to keep the contamination from spreading.

Jericho is a member of the Holy Order of the Crying Cross -- usually abbreviated to The Order of the Crying Cross or the OCC -- a religious sect supposedly started by professor Abraham Van Helsing, who slew Dracula. The OCC's intent was to continue the work of Professor Van Helsing, both in the academic field of studying hell-spawned creatures and where they come from, and in the practical field of exterminating them. According to Hemlock, he was "just doing his duty" Thursday night when he entered the church basement and encountered "a mass of incoherent once-humans with bloodshot eyes, halfway through devouring the body of a man."

Police reports confirm that the revolver Jericho was found carrying had been used to shoot all seventeen members of the UCF in the head, as well as the half-eaten pile of intestines in the center of the room (later identified as Bob Haselkoff, 31, reported missing three days before the incident).

Jericho admits to the shootings, though he denies the murder charges, claiming that he thought they were already dead dead when he arrived. "I thought they were zombies. They were drugged up and eating a cadaver, all available evidence pointed to that conclusion. Under the circumstances, I did what I had to."

The defense is currently preparing a case that, because the USF members were on heroin and acting in a demonstrably aggressive manor, Jericho could have been acting in self defense. "It's not a lot," said Jericho's lawyer Ronnie Cheng, "But while you know and I know that if the USF had been zombies, and he hadn't acted so decisively this whole city'd be overrun and quarantined right now, the Prosecution's not going to let up unless we come up with a more traditional defense. Given the circumstances, I think we may settle out with a self-defense sentence and a small fine for the breaking and entering."

But human rights groups are up in arms, calling for the full force of the law. "Simply looking like a zombie does not automatically forfeit your right to live." Says Rich Davis, spokesperson for the United Kin organization. "We may not have agreed with what the USF was doing, but they were people, not corpses, and this madman should be put away for the execution of eighteen people." (The prosecution can only charge Jericho with seventeen counts of murder, however, as the coroner's report concludes that Haselkoff's mass of organs was dead long before Jericho shot it.) "Moreover,the USF represented a small but vibrant piece of human culture, and now with the Summerfield branch dead and the rest -- if they still exist -- driven into hiding by fear, I'm afraid that Hemlock has destroyed that piece of culture forever. It's such a shame."

Other watch groups offer a much grimmer interpretation of what happened. "The Union of Satan's Fang was a rival cult, plain and simple." Says Mary Spellen, head of the Summerfield neighborhood watch. "The USF was gaining a little bit of power in this neighborhood, and the OCC snuffed it out in a display of brutality and violence more typical of criminal gangs than any religious order."

But many Summerfield residents agree with Hemlock's gun-ho approach, and support for Jericho's release has produced a petition for his acquittal. "I think what Hemlock and the OCC are doing is a service for all humanity," says one local woman. "It's not like they're only saving Christians, or only saving the rich like some other cults. They put their lives on the line to protect all mankind from these monsters, and I don't think we should stand in the way of that."

"Frankly," says another local man, "if you're drugged up and eating people, you're just asking for it."

A closed-casket memorial service for Bob Haselkoff will be held this Sunday.

Feb 3, 2008

You know what Patriots, fuck the Giants, why don't you just turn around and hit Brady yourselves?

Don't even start with me, assholes. Don't even pretend that, had I been in the stands, you would have let me wander onto the field and sack your quarterback. You make me sick, all of you. We're done talking. You are Losers, and I do not talk to Losers. You might be contagious.