That's not true, young'un! You'd know better, if you ever hammer those dang-blasted keys like we did in my day, and why, if you ever futzed up and made a typo, then you'd have to take the whole darn thing anFUCK YOU. Okay? Fuck you. I have a goddamn typewriter, it's set up right next to my goddamn Compaq tower. It's a Smith-Corona Skyriter, a non-electric portable that has a shift key and the caps lock function. There is no number one key, to make a 1 you hit the L key, and if you want to make an exclamation mark you have to type a period, backspace, and type an apostrophe. I have typed entire letters and essays on it, I frequently go back and forth between it and a keyboard, and yes when I go back to the computer I hit the keys too hard. When you fuck up, you backspace and lift the ink ribbon, there's a white-out strip and you just type the same key again. It does not take forever to dry, it takes exactly as long as the normal ink. It costs me six dollars a spool, and I have to order them from this one very esoteric, sketchy-looking site that takes about a month to ship them, probably because nobody wants goddamn typewriter ink ribbons. I do know what I'm talking about, and yes I feel that Microsoft Word is goddamn more frustrating than the technology it made obsolete sometime last goddamn century. The one single advantage that Word has is that it saves documents in a digital format, rendering it more practical than the "archaic" technology in the way that burning down towns with the plague used to be more practical than treating the infected.
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