Jul 20, 2007

Cock-chopping filth-mongering son of a reptile scum!

God fucking damn it, the jack to my brand new power cord decided to slide of like an old shell while still in the power jack. It's not "broken" per se, but only by the thinnest margin of technicality. I can't get the old shell out, which is alright for now, as the current power cord just slips right into it like something vaguely suggestive, but once this this cord stops working - and it will - I am fucked. Again.

This on top of the snapped-off DVD drive, the old broken power cord, a refusal to accept internet through an Ethernet cable, and that neat trick where sometimes it will turn off when I touch it. How does this happen? This computer is a year old.

I mean, it'd be a thing if I were dumb. Or old. That'd be okay, I'd be cool with that. But I don't use Kazaa or Mozilla to find porn. I don't open e-mail attachments from XpandYoJunk.net. I don't use internet explorer.

I don't take my laptop into the hottub for cram sessions. I don't leave it out in the heat and sun all day. I don't take it cross-country biking with me. I leave it on my desk! Sometimes I take it into the basement, where it should be even more comfortable - why does it look like I've been using it to tee off?

Fuck computers. I want to go back to typewriters. I want to go back to "your carriage isn't sliding? Well lemme just take a look... yep, yer bail's jammed up, lemme just twist it around a bit and... there ya go, fixed. It works now."

Also I hate fucking alligators.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like my dad. Only, he has a Mac, and talks like this because he doesn't know how to use it, not because it's unreliable or prone to failure.